The Mardi Gras School of Cooking - BOH, FOH

Business/Employer Name: The Mardi Gras School of Cooking


Hiring for:: BOH, FOH

Available Position/s: Cooking Instructor (On-Call)

What is your starting pay?: $20

Do you offer other employee benefits? If so, please list them here.: Gratuity

Job Requirements: This is an interactive teaching and dining experience for our VIP clients. We are looking for someone with a flexible schedule that can pick up classes as needed. Each class is 3 hours long. Each shift is 4-5hrs long. Average class size is 8 people. Classes of 8 or more and you get automatic gratuity on top of your hourly rate.

Do you consider your organization to be an equitable place to work? (Why or why not?) What supports are in place for your employees?: Yes. This is an opportunity for a balanced life. Plus, Liam Doran is running the kitchen, so you will be in good hands.

Contact Name: Liam Doran

Contact Email:

Jessica Sigmundsson