SukhoThai Restaurants - FOH, BOH

Business/Employer Name: SukhoThai Restaurants


Available Position/s: Line Cook, Assistant Kitchen Manager

What is your starting pay?: $15 / hour

Do you offer other employee benefits? If so, please list them here.: Paid vacation, Health Insurance Assistance, Free Shift Meals

Job Requirements:

Do you consider your organization to be an equitable place to work? (Why or why not?) What supports are in place for your employees?: SukhoThai is an equitable place, as demonstrated by our multi-ethnic, multi-lingual staff. We have male and female managers in both FOH and BOH, of various ethnic backgrounds. We do not tolerate any discriminatory behavior of any sort.. We have full time and part time positions available in Marigny and Uptown. We can train new staff on our cuisine. Full time staff can receive paid vacation time and payments toward health insurance premiums.

SukhoThai is the premier Thai restaurant group in New Orleans, in our 19th year now, There will be ample opportunity for professional development. Please email us if you are interested.

Contact Name: Keith Scarmuzza

Contact Email:

Jessica Sigmundsson