Admissions | NOCHI Certificate Program — NOCHI
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We’re accepting applications for our next culinary and pastry cohorts. Apply today!



New cohorts begin every January and July. Candidates will be admitted based on the composite strength of all application materials. While not a requirement, at least three months of prior work experience in the hospitality industry is highly recommended.

NOCHI will review applications and notify applicants of their acceptance to NOCHI’s programs within 90 days of receipt of a complete application package, including supporting materials. Please note that incomplete applications will not be reviewed and that NOCHI will not return any materials submitted during the admissions process.

Interested students should adhere to the application deadlines and requirements. Once classes fill, students may be placed on a waitlist for admission. Waitlisted students will be notified as soon as possible if a seat in the cohort becomes available. All waitlist applications will be rolled to the next application period. Students can update an existing application but do not need to reapply.

NOCHI admits qualified applicants of any race, gender, age, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, genetic information, marital status, or veteran status.

We offer in-person and virtual tours! To schedule your NOCHI visit or to speak to an admissions counselor directly, please email or call 504.635.0011.


 Upcoming Cohort Dates


Missed a deadline to apply? Contact our Admissions Office today.


Application Requirements

For all programs, applicants must submit or complete the following:

  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalent: copy of a high school diploma, homeschool certificate or other high school diploma equivalent (e.g., GED)

  • An official transcript from the highest completed level of education

  • A completed written application, including essay responses that meet the requirements as described in the application

  • Submission of two (2) professional references

  • One (1) letter of recommendation

  • Proof of dates of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella and tetanus-diphtheria for all students born on or after January 1, 1957

  • An interview with members of the NOCHI Admissions Committee (to be scheduled upon receipt of all other application materials)

Student services

Upon enrollment, students will be assigned an academic and career advisor who can assist them with class scheduling issues or in the event of a withdrawal or failure.

NOCHI cannot guarantee any of its students job placement after graduation; however, a substantive effort will be made to assist students in obtaining employment. The success of a student in the job search process will depend largely on his or her academic performance at NOCHI. NOCHI will assist students with:

  • Applications and employment forms

  • Proper resume writing and interview etiquette

  • Contact with potential employers to identify job opportunities

We do not provide student housing or medical, legal, childcare or transportation services. While we don’t endorse any specific company or organization that provides any of the aforementioned services, we can direct students to resources for obtaining them.

sPECIAL accommodations

In compliance with applicable laws, academic or physical accommodations may be given to qualified students with disabilities. Arrangements for reasonable accommodations will be made in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and within reason as to the safety and well-being of all faculty, staff and students. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be made to the Program Director or the student’s instructor. There is no guarantee that a particular requested accommodation will be granted.


Get started

Considering an education in the culinary arts? We’re here to meet you wherever you are. Leave us your contact information and we’ll reach out to answer any questions you may have.